Viewing Information for Various File Formats
This website includes some content that is available in non-HTML format. They might not be visible properly if your browser does not have the required plug-ins.
For example, Acrobat Reader software is required to view Adobe Acrobat PDF files. If you do not have this software installed on your computer, you can download it for free. The following table lists some plug-ins that you will require.
Screen Reader Access
Rural Engineering Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh. website complies with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 level AA. This will enable people with visual impairments access the website using assistive technologies, such as screen readers. The information of the website is accessible with different screen readers.
Speech Recognition Support
The information of the website is accessible with different speech recognition software, such as Dragon Naturally Speaking as well as Speech Recognition support available in Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. This will enable people with mobility impairments, people with visual impairments and senior citizens access the website using assistive technologies, such as speech recognition software.
Using the Search Facility
The Search facility is located at the top right hand corner of all the pages. The Basic Search enables you to search for a website using word OR phrase in site Title OR URL.
You can visit Sitemap page to get an overall view of the contents of this site. You can also navigate around the site by clicking on the Sitemap link.
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Text size Icons
Following different options are provided in the form of icons which are available on the top of each page:
Decrease text size A- : Allows to decrease the text size up to two level
Normal text size A : Allows to set default text size
Increase text size A+ : Allows to increase the text size up to two level
Changing the Color Scheme
Changing the color scheme refers to applying a suitable background and text color that ensures clear readability.
Note: Changing the color scheme does not affect the images on the screen.